Loan Products

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Conventional Loans

Conventional Loans

  • 30-, 20-, 15- and 10-year terms are all available with fixed rate.
  • 5/1 | 7/1 | 10/1 ARM – Adjustable Rate Mortgage.
  • Interest only loans are available with LTV’s below 70%.
  • Private Mortgage Insurance required for loans above 80% loan to value.

Jumbo Loans

  • 30-, 25-, 20-, 15- and 10-year terms are all available with fixed rate.
  • Buy a home with as little as 5% down (primary home).
  • Refinance up to 95% of your primary home’s value.
  • Monthly payments remain the same for the entire loan term.

Government Loans

VA Loans

  • 30-, 25-, 20-, 15- and 10-year terms are all available with fixed rate.
  • Buy a home with as little as 5% down (primary home).
  • Refinance up to 95% of your primary home’s value.
  • Monthly payments remain the same for the entire loan term.

FHA Loans

  • 30-, 25-, 20-, 15- and 10-year terms are all available with fixed rate.
  • Buy a home with as little as 5% down (primary home).
  • Refinance up to 95% of your primary home’s value.
  • Monthly payments remain the same for the entire loan term.

Reverse Mortgage

  • The money received can be used to pay off the existing mortgage
  • No restrictions to how you use the money you receive
  • There are no monthly payments
  • A non-borrowing spouses not listed on the mortgage can remain in the home if the borrower passes away

USDA Loans

  • 30-, 25-, 20-, 15- and 10-year terms are all available with fixed rate.
  • Buy a home with as little as 5% down (primary home).
  • Refinance up to 95% of your primary home’s value.
  • Monthly payments remain the same for the entire loan term.

Our Core Values

  • Honesty, Integrity, and Competence

  • Assist our clients through any roadblock that may arise

  • Help you reach your homebuyer dreams

longmont mortgage company